Software for Database Mapping
Federico B. Condes III

Software Details
Software Flow

Main Frm
Enter Frm
First Floor Frm
Second Floor Frm
Third Floor Frm
Module 1 Bas

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The faura map software was programmed using Microsoft VisualBasic version 6.0. Visual Basic was used because of the ease with which one can make a graphical-user interface for the user.

The program code consists of five forms and one module. Three of the forms, namely, frm_1stfloor, frm_2ndfloor, and frm_3rdfloor defines the floor layout of the Faura building. It also defines the response of the program to a mouse click on the various buttons on the layout, be it a description of the rooms or a change to a different floor level. The form frm_enter is just a welcome screen that waits for the user to press the "enter Faura building" and then makes the frm_1stfloor form visible. The frm_menu form contains the code for the touch screen control.

The module, mod_main contains the code for the ReadX and ReadY functions which gets data from the parallel port. Details of these functions are given in the parallel port interface documentation by Alexis Artes. Also in the mod_main modules are the subroutines main and delayer. The main subroutine is the code that the program will first execute when the program is run. The delayer simply serves to delay the change from floor to floor so that this change is not abrupt.