Key Codes
Xavier Capilitan
1. Keypad Codes
2. Description of System

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1. Keypad Codes      TOP
// Door Driver Program developd by Xavier Capilitan
// Please see other Sentinal documentation

void opendoor(){                    //output bit 00000001, for first bit
   int value = 0x40;                //of the data line!!!
   outportb(0x37a, 0x02);
   outportb(0x378, value);
   printf("\nDoor is open.\n");

void closedoor(){                 //output bit 00000010, reverses action of open
   int value = 0x80;
   outportb(0x37a, 0x02);
   outportb(0x378, value);
   printf("\nDoor is closed.\n");

void stopdriver(){               //this stops the voltage supply to motor
   int value = 0x00;
   outportb(0x37a, 0x02);
   outportb(0x378, value);

int leftswitch()                //left switch status checks if door is fully
{int stat;					    //closed or not!!!

do{                              //loop until inport reads a 1e which means
stat=inportb(0x379);             //door is fully closed and locked!!!

if (stat==0x2e)                 //stops driver motor
return 0;

int rswitch()                 //right switch status checks if door is fully
{int stat;                     //open.

do{                            //unless there is a change in status of inport
stat=inportb(0x379);           //lines to 6e which means that door has been opened
delay(500);                   //and closed


if (stat==0x5e)			//stops motor driver if right switch is on 
						and door is open
return 0;

int doorstat()              //checks door status if open or close
{int stat;

				//2e indicates that right switch is on and door closed
if (stat==0x4e)
	printf("\nDoor is closed!!");}
return 0;

void door(){                //function calls for door to open, check status
	opendoor();   			//and door close

int door_status()               //separate function which indicates door status
{int check;                     //either close or open!!!
int stat=inportb(0x379);	//for this particular program, door status check
if (stat==0x4e || stat==0x2e) 		//always returns a 1 meaning close!!!
	{check = 1;}
else check=0;
return check;

int main(){
clrscr() ;
outportb(0x378,0x00); 	//this secures that neither one of the input to motor is high
int grant=access();
if (grant!=0){door();}
int check=door_status();	//this takes on the return value of door_status
//printf("\n1 is close, O is open....%d", check)//either close '0' or open '1'
outportb(0x378,0x00);		//same here, see previous comment on outportb()
return 0;


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